Jill Stein, 2016 presidential candidate of the Green Party, having no chance of reversing her dismal loss, nevertheless asked for and was given a hearing for a recount in three states. That’s one wrong. Hillary Clinton, also losing in the same 2016 election, joined in the recount request after having conceding her loss to Donald Trump. That was wrong number two.
These two wrongs, however they play out, demonstrated the increased importance of a minority party today, thus making for a “right.”
How is that?
Electioneering is speech. Controlling the speech gives a political party tremendous advantage. In the early days of our republic, political speech was oratory, newsprint, signage, pamphleting and word of mouth. Even with the later introduction of radio and television, the reality has been that two major parties, Republican and Democrat, have controlled the political speech. For purposes here, we shall call them the political “establishment.” … Read More →