Conservative Party USA: Lizards “Evolve”; Morals Don’t

President Obama finally came out if the closet last week and openly admitted what Americans already knew about his stance on gay marriage: he was for it…before he was against it….before he was for it…again.

When Obama ran for the Illinois state senate in 1996 he supported gay marriage. When he ran for the US senate in 2004 he rejected gay marriage but liked Civil Unions.   When he ran for President in 2008 he said “Marriage is between a man and a woman. I’m not in favor of gay marriage.” He often repeated that sentiment during the past three years. But now, facing a difficult re-election campaign, Obama has “revolved” to support it. Funny how that works!

The liberal media usually tag such politically motivated reversals as “flip-flops”.  However, when an Über- Liberal politician like Obama does it they gleefully accept his self-described evolution as “courageous”.

Imagine how the liberal … Read More