President Obama finally came out if the closet last week and openly admitted what Americans already knew about his stance on gay marriage: he was for it…before he was against it….before he was for it…again.
When Obama ran for the Illinois state senate in 1996 he supported gay marriage. When he ran for the US senate in 2004 he rejected gay marriage but liked Civil Unions. When he ran for President in 2008 he said “Marriage is between a man and a woman. I’m not in favor of gay marriage.” He often repeated that sentiment during the past three years. But now, facing a difficult re-election campaign, Obama has “revolved” to support it. Funny how that works!
The liberal media usually tag such politically motivated reversals as “flip-flops”. However, when an Über- Liberal politician like Obama does it they gleefully accept his self-described evolution as “courageous”.
Imagine how the liberal media and Democrats would treat Mitt Romney if he “evolved” on Paul Ryan’s budget or abortion or the GM bailout. Or even gay marriage!
CPartyUSA rejects the concept same sex marriage. Period. Wrong does not “evolve” into Right just to appease a vocal well-funded minority for the sake of political convenience.
Mammals and lizards evolve; morals and ethics don’t.
What next? Will America “evolve” into accepting child pornography just because it’s widely viewed on the Internet? Will America start accepting car thefts just because it’s on the rise in this bad economy? After all, “Grand Theft Auto” is a very popular computer game. Will the US Military “evolve” by having gay pride parades just because “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” was repealed? Will the Ten Commandments evolve into the Six Suggestions?
CP-USA helps true conservatives withstand the constant assault on traditional American values. The GOP and Mitt Romney are typically reluctant to lend a full-throated rejection of gay marriage because they don’t want to offend moderates or Independents. Republicans want to concentrate on jobs and the economy at the expense of important social issues during this critical election cycle. The GOP wants a truce on social issues.
Well folks, the Democrats, media and the aggressive gay lobby don’t want a truce. They’re pressing full speed ahead. Every single day! Based on the overwhelming push by the Unholy Trinity (Liberal Democrats, Media, University professors), Republicans are bringing a pen knife to a machine gun fight.
America will not survive if we abandon our traditional values for the sake of solving only fiscal problems. Both traditional values and fiscal solutions are equally important.
The Conservative Party ( will rectify the consistent failures of the current two-party system. CP-USA is America’s True “Second Party” and represents the next step in the evolution of the Tea Party.
Contact: H. Michael Hervey, Chairman, 408.394.7184
H. Michael Hervey
Chairman, CP-USA
Twitter: @cpartyusa_01