The Newt Gingrich primary victory is proof positive the GOP in general and South Carolina Republicans in specific have lost their souls. Christian Conservatives have now lost the moral high ground for criticizing any politician for any moral or ethical failing. Forever.
Too many Republicans are confusing Newt’s grandiose debate oratory with strong leadership and ethical behavior. Just because he can bludgeon a hapless CNN host does not make Gingrich a worthy nominee. Thrashing the media with red meat does not a president make nor does it absolve him of committing serial adultery. Even if his ex-wife’s “open marriage” charge is 100% false, the fact that Newt committed multiple adulteries is 100% true.
Giving Gingrich standing ovations and voting for him in the Primary firmly places the cloak of massive hypocrisy on Republican shoulders. Remember when Republicans railed against Bill Clinton for similar transgressions? They properly made the solid case that Clinton’s obvious character flaws didn’t represent traditional American values. Republicans also said Clinton’s lack of impulse control would display itself in the White House to damage him and tarnish the Office of the President. Shizzzzzam, that’s exactly what happened!
None of those Republicans EVER spoke of “redemption” or their Christian teachings about “forgiveness” when it came to Clinton. They rightly demanded Clinton’s removal by vote or, failing that, impeachment. Republicans also rightly screamed for Barney Frank’s removal, called for Elliot Spitzer’s scalp and demanded Anthony Wiener’s resignation. The GOP and Christian Conservatives in South Carolina were on firm moral ground when they ridiculed and castigated those politicians. Terms like “forgiveness”, “redemption” and “we should not judge personal behavior” never passed Republican lips in those instances.
And yet these same Republicans now bleat nonsensical platitudes about absolving Gingrich for similar moral failings just because he verbally crushed a liberal media guy on TV. They now “forgive” Gingrich for getting fined $300K for ethics violations, getting booted out Congress for violating conservative values and taking millions from Freddie Mac. And now they “forgive” serial adultery in return for political expediency and entertaining debate sound bites. So much for “family values”.
This all plays like a classic summer Hollywood adventure movie. Newt’s matrimonial treachery embraced by GOP double standards framed in a blockbuster titled “Godzilla The Adulterer Meets King Kong The Hypocrite”. This makes for a great movie that Obama will debut for the election. Liberals nationwide are buying popcorn with the gleeful realization that Republicans will not be able to wear the “Family Values” badge again…with straight faces.
The manifest hypocrisy demonstrated by the SC Primary voters ripped away the thin veneer of moral rectitude Republicans had for demanding ethical or moral behavior from ANY politician in the future. Considering they suffered through the Governor Mark Sanford circus you’d think they’ve learned a lesson. But their ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) clouds any sense of logic, reason or moral consistency. Politics as usual.
These Republicans are willing to forgive and forget all those Gingrich sins but want to crucify Romney for changing his mind and Santorum for…..God knows what. How very strange.
These shallow-thinking Republicans ignore the fact they have alternative candidates that can bring the good fight to Obama. Rick Santorum is a steady, solid family man who can certainly hold his own in any debate with Obama and doesn’t have Newt’s obvious moral and ego failings. Same for Romney. Gingrich doesn’t just have “baggage”, he has political “cargo”. That’s why he as a minus 29% Favorability Rating in a recent Fox News poll.
These shameful Republicans think Independents will embrace a snarling, gruff and hostile Newt in debates when standing next to a cool, calm and serene Obama. While conservatives will vote for Bozo the Clown rather than Obama, the rest of America will not. Should he be the GOP Nominee, Gingrich will be the focus of the race rather in Obama’s failed term. That would be a tragedy!
The Conservative Party USA does not suffer the moral schizophrenia infecting Republicans. We have a clear and unambiguous constitutional, fiscal and ethical clarity the GOP could only dream of.
Come Home America!
H. Michael Hervey
Chairman, CP-USA