YES, Conservatives Will Vote Our Conscience

The *Conservative Party* and all righteous Conservatives congratulate
Donald Trump for officially securing the GOP nomination for President. It
was a hard-fought primary; he totally whipped, bludgeoned and hammered 16
other candidates into submission with fearless pronouncements and tons of
free media.

Now the real work of doing the exact same thing to Billary Clinton starts.

Let’s hope Trump is up to the task. The political and media landscape is
stacked against him and other Republicans. Wikileaks released emails that
exposed the *Washington Post* for actually colluding with the DNC to raise
campaign cash for Clinton while *CBS* altered poll data to skew against
Sanders. Competing against such media treachery is a very tough row to hoe.

Conservatives also have to master the art of ice skating uphill since we
have to deal with manifold problems: Democrats; a corrupt and biased media;
and feckless GOP Establishment types like Ryan and McConnell. That last
group is often more problematic because Establishment Republicans seldom
mean what they publically proclaim.

To his credit, Trump took a step in the “right” direction by selecting Mike
Pence as his Veep. Governor Pence is a solid social and fiscal
conservative with a demonstrated willingness to advocate for traditional
American values. He signed a Religious Freedom Bill in 2015 that gave
Hoosiers the right, for example, to refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings
if they opposed gay marriage. Of course Pence capitulated and modified the
Law after the gay mafia and media threatened jihad on Indiana. For all his
strengths, however, Pence is a Republican after all so he caved like one.

The GOP Nominee also struck a few key notes that were harmonious with the
concepts of pro-American populism, a revived economy and military
strength. Trump properly gave hope to coal and steel workers in PA and OH
when he promised to put them back to work. That’s in stark contrast to
Shrillary Clinton who is still wedded to a serial abuser of women and the
silly notion of man-made Global Warming.

In 1996 the late William Safire of the *New York Times* tagged Hillary
Clinton as a “congenital liar”. He didn’t know the half of it because
Syria, Libya, Benghazi and the email scandals were far off into the future.
Hillary’s serious character defects are compounded when you consider Bill’s
numerous shenanigans and his relationship with Jeff Epstein, an unrepentant
convicted pedophile. Hillary protected and shielded Bill all the time all
the way. America must not allow such a craven couple to occupy the White
House again. It’s a good bet she’d be impeached during her first term.

The major problems with the Clintons when stacked against the positive
steps Trump made during the Convention should make it relatively simple for
Conservatives “to vote their conscience” as Ted Cruz implored. It should
also be easy for us to vote our conscience by not voting for Clinton when
you consider she could select 2-3 SCOTUS judges and represents a third
Obama term.

*CP-USA* affirms, however, that Trump devotees have no right to bear animus
against Ted Cruz. None! No serious man would endorse any candidate who
publically insulted his wife and accused his father of helping to
assassinate JFK. And Trump had no right to seek such an endorsement based
on comments that clearly crossed the line. None! Cruz has to live with his
wife and face his father every day. A Trump endorsement would have rendered
Ted’s family life untenable. Some things transcend politics.

But after all is said and done, *CP-USA* urges Conservatives to vote in
November to defeat Hillary Clinton.

*H. Michael Hervey*
Chief Political Officer
Conservative Party USA
Twitter: @cpartyusa_01

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