Obama Is the Real Hacking Outrage

According to Obama and Democrats, those heathen, vodka-swilling Ruskies
hacked into DNC servers and threatened the very core of American
democracy. Some of those silly media wimps even claimed the hacking was
the political equivalent of 9/11. Sounds serious, no?

So, what did America’s rough, tough creampuff President do about this cyber
version of Pearl Harbor? Obama claimed he personally told Putin to “cut it
out.” Really!

Well, that should have done the trick. The former KGB strong-man who kills
journalists for sport, kidnaps and jails his enemies and controls the
world’s most ruthless spy apparatchik was surely frightened by Obama’s
ominous warning, right? After all, Putin’s face actually turned …white.

Was Vladimir afraid of Barrack? Nyet on your life, Ivan. Putin eats waifs
like Obama for quick protein snacks before invading whole countries like
Crimea, Ukraine and Syria. Obama must remember that Putin is no
standard-issue Congressional Republican who collapses when things get
rough. Neither were the Iranians during the Nuke deal talks. Putin was not
afraid of Obama before they hacked the DNC and he ain’t scared none after
that hollow threat because the Cossacks are still spoofing US Government
networks to this very day.

Based on the media hand-wringing and breathless blame shifting, however,
many low-information liberals now think Donald Trump was responsible for
the hacks. Since Jill Stein’s dishonest vote recount failed, these
unhinged liberals wanted the Electoral College to delay its vote pending an
intelligence briefing on the subject. Democrat snowflakes are simply
outraged that someone – anyone – could be so mean to their fallen angel
Hillary Clinton by using dastardly tricks like exposing the truth. It’s
just not fair.

The *Conservative Party*, however, believes that clear-thinking Americans
should be outraged about three things: That the Obama Administration failed
to protect America against such hacking in the first place; that Obama has
done nothing to punish Putin and the Russians once the hacks were
discovered; and what the actual content of the emails Wikileaks exposed
about Clinton and the Democrat Party.

Obama should be the true source of America’s outrage since he controls the
FBI, CIA, NSA and 14 other intelligence agencies. Why in God’s name didn’t
they protect America and the DNC from Russian hacking? That’s the Original
Sin. Trump rejecting or accepting the CIA’s finding is not the issue. Why
hasn’t Obama retaliated yet? What will a long, drawn-out Congressional
investigation find that the CIA doesn’t know already? Will Obama just talk
tough but wait for Congress to confirm that Russia did the hacks? What then?

The Russians didn’t trick Hillary into keeping Ambassador Stevens
unprotected in Benghazi and lie about it. The Russians didn’t force Clinton
to set up a secret email server and lie about it. The Russians didn’t make
Hillary call half the population of America “deplorable”. ObamaCare
premiums didn’t skyrocket and illegal aliens aren’t pouring across the
border because of Putin. The Russians didn’t force Clinton and the
Democrat Party to ignore white, working-class voters across America. The
Russians didn’t erase Wisconsin off the Clinton campaign travel map.

And the Russians didn’t make Hillary Clinton the most disliked and
mistrusted Presidential candidate in history.

WikiLeaks did expose the corrupt, dishonest and duplicitous nature of the
US media and how Clinton conspired with the DNC to undermine Bernie Sanders
during the Primaries. All Americans should be grateful for those
disclosures because Billary Clinton would have dragged this nation from one
scandal after another scandal after another scandal had she won.

*H. Michael Hervey*
Chief Political Officer
Conservative Party USA
Twitter: @cpartyusa_01

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