CP-USA Urges McDonald’s Boycott

The disgraceful trend of American companies replacing their American-born
employees with low paid foreign workers continues unabated. Last week
McDonald’s announced it was firing 70 American accountants in our heartland
(Ohio) and switching to cheap H-1B bean counters from East Asia.

It’s tragic to see an iconic American company like McDonald’s purposely
eviscerate the American middle class for the sake of short-term profits.

McDonald’s is just the latest (and not the last) example of an American
corporation demonstrating their total lack of Economic Patriotism
. The United States
needs to retain its position as “that shining City on the Hill” Ronald
Reagan described by keeping its people gainly employed. Caterpillar in
Illinois continues to hire foreign workers while it fires hundreds of
American engineers and other white-collar workers. Numerous American
colleges want more H-1B visas to replace American business-school
graduates, professors and white-collar employees*.*

There are more than 800,000 white-collar “guest workers” and H-1B visa
holders in the United States who are displacing well-trained Americans. US
companies are ripping the heart and soul from American’s middle-class just
so than report better quarterly earnings for Wall Street. Contrary to what
our business leaders like Mark Zuckerberg and “ivory-tower” economists who
work at McDonald’s tell us, putting millions of well-educated and highly
productive Americans out of work is not good for this nation. It’s not good
in the short-term and it’s an economic tragedy in the long-term.

And nobody says a word. No Republican. No Democrat. Not the media. Nobody!

Americans created the most innovative, resourceful and productive companies
in the history of Capitalism. They invested money, blood, sweat and tears
to make these companies grow and prosper. American workers, engineers and
managers exported their energy and work-ethic around the globe to make
these companies the envy of the world.

As a reward for those decades of labor and toil, however, these same
American companies are now shredding the social and economic fabric that
binds companies to local communities for the sake of short-term profits.
And they are short-term. The growing number of unemployed and
under-employed Americans will be eventually too poor to buy the products
made by these companies.

And nobody says a word. Until now.

The *Conservative Party* says it’s time to take a stand. We want to STOP
this slow moving economic apocalypse by calling for *a nationwide boycott
of McDonald’s*. It’s true that other companies are also shredding the
social and economic fabric of America, but we have to start somewhere. So
let’s start with sending a message to Mickey Dees and other short-sighted
institutions like them. Just because we can’t boycott everybody doesn’t
mean we shouldn’t boycott anybody.

*Boycott McDonald’s*. Tell your friends and families. Post your support on
social media. Help American workers. Help save America. Help reduce your

*That Job You Save Today May Be Your Own Tomorrow *©

*H. Michael Hervey*
Chief Political Officer
Conservative Party USA
Twitter: @cpartyusa_01

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